Rachel’s Kids helping children locally & globally

Rachel’s Kids helping children locally & globally

Charitable # 843796384RR0001
Charitable # 843796384RR0001

Tech for Talk is designed to support children with their communication needs.  The ability to express wants, needs, and fundamental knowledge can eliminate frustration, ease anxiety, and decrease behaviours.   Communication devices, systems, strategies, and tools that replace or support natural speech are known as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). These tools support a person who has difficulties communicating using speech.

Families can apply to receive an augmentative communication device(s) (e.g., Tobii Dynovox, i Pad, QuickTalker Freestyle, etc.) and tools such as switches, to provide the necessary items to facilitate the ability to communicate.  The program works in collaboration with the Speech and Language Pathologist, Special Education Teacher, and/or the classroom teacher to ensure the correct match of an appropriate device(s), applications, training, and practice necessary for success.  Children will be followed for a period up to one year to ensure training is received by both the child and the family and to install programs (e.g. Proloquo-to-go, ChoiceWorks, GoTalkNow, Pictello, etc.) that will benefit the child as they develop their communication skills.  To apply, please consult with your Speech and Language Pathologist to identify if this program is suited to your child’s needs. The application can be found at the link below.  All applications can be submitted to [email protected].


Tech for Talk Application

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